Why are we making new things when the world has lots of beautiful objects looking to be treasured

Ann Edwards - Mame Huku


Vintage is the NEW NEW! I love vintage textiles and the whole idea of repurposing luxury, breathing new life and purpose into forgotten objects. This has been the philosophy of my latest collection. Why are we making new things when the world has lots of beautiful objects looking to be treasured? 

I have collected vintage Japanese textiles for many years. The kimonos I collect have been cherished possessions and now they are looking for new homes.  The Japanese Sensu fans I have collected come from Kyoto, the home of artisan fan making.  Mame Huku fans are mostly 30 years old, as new, beautifully painted or screen printed with fascinating designs.   

Mame Huku vintage brooch

If these were paintings in a frame they would be regarded as valuable art objects. I think the fact that these are women’s objects, used to keep us cool while looking fabulous, has made them overlooked by the art world. These are art, but art that keeps you cool because you are cool if you appreciate the aesthetics of them. I want to share them with the world.

 Similarly with my collection of brooches. Each brooch I find is a small sculpture, probably sparkly and ready for its new adventures. Pin a vintage brooch on your jacket and everyone will admire it and ask you where you got it.

Mame Huku vintage fan
vintage silk bag blue and gold
Mame Huku Velvet knot bag citron

Mame Huku is a Retail Curator creating bespoke collections of beautiful, unique vintage objects that your customers won’t find anywhere else and that are unique to your store.